I made top 5 twice
I made top 5, 43 times!
I made top 3, 4 times

I made top 3, 3 times!
I made top 3, 4 times!
I made top 5 twice!
I made top 4, 4 times!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3!
I made top 3, 3 times

I made top 3, 5 times!

I made the top 5, twice!

I made top 3 twice

I made top 3 twice!

I made the top 3, 3 times!

I made top 5, 9 times!

I made sweet 6, 14 times!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3, 4 times!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3, 3 times!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3, 3 times!

I was a DT favourite3 times!

I was a DT favourite twice!

I made top3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3, 8 times!

I made top 5, 3 times!

I made top 5 twice!

I made top 3, 3 times!

I made top 3, 3 times

I came 3rd twice!


I made top 3 twice!

I made the top 3, 6 times!

I made the top 3, 4 times!

I made the top 3 twice!
I came second 4 times!

I was a Perfect Pinky 4 times!
I was in the spotlight 3 times!

I made top 5, 4 times!
I made top 3 twice!
I made top 3, 4 times!

I made the top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 5 twice
I was Star Crafter Twice!
I made the top 3, 5 times!
I made the top 3 twice!

I was a top 6 times!
I made top 3, 6 times!

I was in the spotlight 3 times!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!
I made the top 5 twice!
I was an Honourable Addict twice!

I made top 3, 11 times!

I made the top 3, 5 times!

I made the top 3 twice!
I made top pick 3 times!

I made the top 5, 3 times!
I made the top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3, 5 times

I made top 3, 3 times!

I made the top 5, 4 times!
I made the top 2 twice!

I made Top Addict twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3, 3 times!

I made top 3 twice!

I made top 3 twice!

All of your cards are just beautiful! You deserve all these wins!! ♥ Denise @ Digi Haven