Tuesday 21 February 2012

Blog Award

I've been given this award by the lovely Elaine, thanks so much hun for thinking of me!

The idea of the Liebster Blog Award is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs. This helps to spread knowledge and readership.

To accept the award, you must:

1) Link back to the person who gave it and thank them for thinking of you.

2) Post the award to your blog.

3) Give the award to 5 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) that you appreciate and value.

4) Leave a comment on the blogs of the five people you have chosen to let them know.

"Liebster" in German means "dearest", so to carry on the Liebster tradition, I am going to pass the award on to 5 people who's blogs have been an inspiration to me and my crafting. To be honest, passing this on will be difficult as there are so many wonderful small blogs that have inspired me. It will be a challenge to chose only 5. However, as needs must, here are 5 wonderful and inspiring blogs/ bloggers that I would love to pass the Liebster Blog award on to (in no particular order).

The 5 bloggers I would like to award are:-


  1. Woo! Well done, Wendy. Truly deserved.

    Rachel x

  2. Congratulations on your award Wendy and thank you so much for thinking of me. I'm afraid I don't qualify as I am over the limit for followers but I am so chuffed you felt I deserved it. Thank you for your encouragement, it means a lot.:)

    Edna x

  3. Hi Wendy, congrats on your award and thank you so much for choosing me to give one to, it really means a lot that you have thought of me. Thank you for your support of my blog.
    Wendy x

  4. Aaaww thank you hun, so sweet of you to think of me :) Will pop this on my blog as soon as I can :)
    Thank you again :)

  5. Hi Wendy I only Just seen this Haven't logged on for a few days,Thank you again for thinking of me and for all your lovely comments on my blog and over at docrafts, I will put it on my blog as soon as i can
    Thank you again
    Bernice x


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate each and every one.